Experience the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont

Real Estate

Properties for Sale

Residential - Commercial - Land - Waterfront - Multifamily - Farms - Condominiums - Rentals - Auctions

The Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, also known as the Lakes Region of Vermont, has several area attractions that attract visitors year round. Jay Peak, The VAST Trail, Lake Willoughby and area lakes are just a part of the area's four-season tour de force.


Remote, picturesque with prominent mountain ranges that parade the skyline and miles of untouched wilderness, northeastern Vermont offers opportunities in real estate for home, business and investment.


Feel free to contact local real estate offices for information more information concerning residential properties, vacation properties, property management, also land, condominiums and farms. Though remote, the region offers a full spectrum of real estate, including palatial estates surrounded by hundreds of acres of land.



Century 21 Farm & Forest

Residential - Commercial - Land - Waterfront -  Multifamily - Farms - Condominiums - Rentals - Auctions


Derby, VT - Phone: 800-273-5371/802-334-1200

Burke, VT Phone: 802-626-4222



Great Northern Land Company

Residential - Commercial - Land - Waterfront -  Multifamily - Farms - Condominiums - Rentals


Jay, VT - Office:  802-323-7400

Specializing in Jay Peak Properties ...More














Hiking Trails

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Ray's Auto Service

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TNT Explosive Tattoo

24 Hour Towing & Road Service

Don't Be Stranded!

Ray's Auto in Newport, VT



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Snow Report

Wayne's Wood Originals

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